New Groups

I’ve been doing some thinking about my offerings and how I want to support the community, and have decided to offer a couple of groups in the new year. When I worked in treatment, I ran multiple groups a day for years. Lately, I’ve been missing being able to teach, hold space and foster community in that way. So here are my first two private practice group offerings!

The Restoration Zone: A Group for New Parents

This group offers a weekly space for new parents where you can check in with your mental health and engage in some mindfulness practice and gentle stretching. The group is open to parents of all genders, and is intended for parents of newborns and babies.

In addition to weekly online meetings, we will host free monthly meetups at the park. 

The weekly online meeting will be during lunchtime on Wednesdays (12:30-1:30) and the monthly weekend meet ups will be in the mornings on Saturdays or Sundays. Babies are welcome to the lunchtime meetings, and parents are also invited to attend without their babies, if possible.

Part process, part practice and part meet-up, this group will foster connection with yourself and other new parents, and will ease the identity adjustment and mental health stressors that come with the transition to parenthood. 

To find out more about this group or to enroll, you can visit my collective website here.

I’m offering early bird pricing for anyone who enrolls in the first 8 week session before December 15th.



Do you struggle with accepting your body as it is? Do you ever feel caught up obsessing about how you could change your body, and wish you could find a new way to relate to yourself? Are you struggling with body image related to your body’s size or shape, or recent body changes?

Please join us!

Together we will unpack life experiences that impact our relationships with our bodies, learn practices for coping with body image distress, and explore strategies for cultivating self care that is rooted in non-violence towards our bodies.

This group will incorporate skills and practices from The Body Positive Model, as well as from mindfulness practice, trauma informed yoga and DBT.

Group is open to adults of any gender. Parents are welcome to attend with babies.

I haven’t decided on an exact time for this group. If you are interested in enrolling, please email me at or fill out the waitlist form here.


I’m always thinking about new ways to offer therapy and support the community. If there is a group you are wishing I ran, please let me know!

Much love and onward,



A Note on Resourcing