PTSD Treatment in Los Angeles and South Pasadena

As a trauma therapist, I prioritize safety and respect for your boundaries. I want to hear anything you want to tell me, and if you aren't ready or able to share your story, we can still work on tools for soothing the nervous system, decreasing symptoms such as nightmares or flashbacks, and creating safe relationships in your current life.

I am a holistic therapist, and when working with trauma I often blend mindfulness-based therapies including the Trauma Resiliency Model, with DBT and CBT to support you in healing now, whatever happened then.

I am experienced in supporting people who have survived trauma related to sexual assault, incest, intimate partner violence, frightening and dangerous birth experiences, child abuse and neglect.

Whatever happened then, and however it’s showing up now, I invite you to contact me to get a sense for my style and see if my practice could be a good fit for you.

Healing is possible. And no matter what happened to you, you deserve to feel safe and to have a life that feels worth living.

Therapy for Vicarious Trauma

In addition to working with survivors, I also provide therapy for individuals and groups who work with traumatized populations. Whether you are a medical professional, social justice advocate, therapist or ecologist, work that puts us into close contact with trauma can have deep impacts on our own minds, bodies and relationships. Therapy is a place where you can make space to safely process the work you do and work on ways to create sustainability for yourself and the communities and organizations you serve.